Sunday, October 26, 2014

Session IV, Part II

Since the party is decidedly not enthusiastic about murdering the Reverend Mother Guinan, Gouverneur Đào (陶) explains that the Vietnamese government believes Guinan will soon be a big thorn in their side.  By way of exposition, the Gouverneur pulls out some maps to show the PCs how Fantasy Vietnam has grown during the recent past:

250 AD:

350 AD:

Since winning independence from China a century ago, Vietnam has expanded steadily southward,  first conquering the Kingdom of Champa and then seizing the Mekong Delta from the Khymer.

Here, as DM, I've done some mixing of real world dates to better fit my campaign, while still trying to remain mostly true to the general spirit and tone of history.

The Vietnamese government's problem is that Guinan will disrupt their plans to subjugate the Cham people in the Central Highlands because she'll soon be investigating and exposing their oppression of the Cham.

The divine rules of this setting prevent genocide and ethnic cleaning:

Instead, conquerors are supposed to only use the slow, grinding path of assimilation.  However, Gouverneur Trần (陳), a relative of the Emperor and newly appointed to the Central Highlands province, is pushing new policies to take things to the edge of the rules.

The PCs still aren't excited about murdering the cleric, so they ask if they can solve the problem some other way.  Đào, who privately disapproves of Gouverneur Trần and who has taken a much more conciliatory path in the Mekong Delta province, agrees.

Aleena mentions that her uncle, Father Gui, is Guinan's immediate superior in the Church.  Paying the Grand Inquisitor a visit, Father Gui is delighted and somewhat surprised that his beloved niece is still alive:

Consequently, Father Gui immediately agrees to the party's request to delay the Reverend Mother long enough to pull off the PC's scam, and orders Guinan to spend a week training new Inquistors before heading to the Central Highlands.

The PCs then blatantly lie to Papa Midnite and Gouverneur Đào, despite pointed questioning by Midnite, that the problem is permanently solved, so Mlle Nguyễn is freed.

Zakalwe tells Mlle Nguyễn about their double-cross and that she needs to immediately leave town forever before the authorities realize that Reverend Mother Guinan is still going to the Central Highlands.

[As Mlle Nguyễn, in my terrible fake teenage girl voice] I say, "But what about my boyfriend?!?"

[As the nameless Magic-User, snarky] S says, "What, you mean the guy that led you into a life of crime?"

This convinces Nguyễn to leave town.

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