Monday, January 19, 2015

Session VI, Part V

For convenience, here is the map of the third level of the gold mine again:

Having cleared their enemies in Room #18 (Mining Administration), the parties notices that the oxygen level is dipping rather low, as the Greek Fire continues to burn, so they decide to head north.  Hearing something inside Room #12 (Accounting), the PCs burst in after Subotai checks for traps and find a pair of Chryssalids going over the gold mine's books!

Immediately, the room fills up with magic smoke and the party flees!  As Zakalwe is securing the door with iron spikes, he notices a horde of scarab beetles racing toward him.  The Nameless Magic-User pours out the industrial acid in her vials, creating an acid moat and trapping the beetles inside the room.

After the flames die down, the party returns to Mining Administration and heads east down the stairs toward Room #19, feeling background magical energy increasing with every step.  Subotai finds a number of traps, but they've all been destroyed by the Greek Fire.

As the PCs ponder what to do next, Lieutenant Phùng mentions that the Chryssalids very likely have the door guarded and that it may be best to make an end around with the Wand of Passwall to the gold deposits next to the bottom of the stairs.

The party does so, catching the Chryssalids completely by surprise again, while the insectoids are in the middle of a massive ritual sacrifice:

In the surprise round, Zakalwe hurls a Holy Hand Grenade and the Nameless Magic-User uses the Scroll of Earth Elemental Summoning, while the rest of the party attacks the lookouts!

Chryssalid Wizards #3 - 5 are slain!

Chryssalids #13 - 16 are slain!

Hell goats #11 - 14 are slain!

Zombies #35 - 48 are slain!

In the next round, Zakalwe hurls a Holy Hand Grenade and the Nameless Magic-User casts Invisibility, while an angry Earth Elemental appears!

[As the Nameless Magic-User] S says to the Earth Elemental, "Hulk, smash!"

The insectoids shriek in terror as the Earth Elemental smashes!

Chryssalids #17 - 21 are slain!

Hell goats #15 & 16 are slain!

Zombies #49 - 68 are slain!

The Chryssalid Queen rushes forward to rally her shattered forces!

The Chryssalid Queen casts Disintegrate on the Earth Elemental, who staggers backward and collapses, grievously wounded!

The Chryssalid Queen shrieks in triumph and scuttles smugly forward to deliver the coup de grâce… when the Nameless Magic-User nails the massive insectoid in the face with a jar of Greek Fire!

Drenched in clinging flames, the Chryssalid Queen screams and writhes until her exoskeleton bursts!

The Chryssalid Queen is slain!

In retaliation, a Chryssalid wizard casts Fireball on the party!  The Nameless Magic-User makes her save, taking half damage, and is reduced to 2 hit points!  Lieutenant Phùng isn't as lucky.

Lieutenant Phùng is slain!

A segment later the other remaining Chryssalid wizard casts Web, catching all the party except for the Nameless Magic-User.

As it regenerates, the Earth Elemental roars and lurches back to its feet!

[As the Nameless Magic-User] S says to the Earth Elemental, "Hulk, smash!"

The Chryssalids don't have anything left that can repel firepower of that magnitude, and the Earth Elemental squashes all remaining insectoid resistance with murderous rage!

The Chryssalids are utterly destroyed!

Zakalwe has managed to break free of the web and finds the remaining scores of miners in cages.  After a moment, the PCs decide to use their last Holy Hand Grenade to make sure that the miners are free of Chryssalid impregnation.

[OOC] S says, "While the rest of the party is webbed up, we steal all the gold in the storeroom!"

[As DM] I ask, "Wait, what?  There's a ton of gold.  Literally."

[OOC] S says, "That's not a problem for an Earth Elemental.  We steal all the gold.  ALL THE GOLD!"

[As DM] I say, "Okay, that makes sense.  Um."

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