Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Session IV, Part I

With three sessions under our belt to see how my Olde School Dungeons & Dragons house rules run in actual play (I'm happy so far in terms of speed, convenience, and genre emulation, but it's still a work in progress), now I start shifting the campaign more toward world-building for Fantasy Vietnam.

D is unable to make Session IV, but in his place, S, a new player, joins the group!  Like KS has some prior RPG experience (Pathfinder) but she starts this campaign as a complete Olde School rookie, playing the nameless Magic-User:
  • Str 12, Int 18, Wil 15, Dex 13, Con 17, Cha 17
  • Base HP: 9
  • Proficiencies: Additional encounter HD, Spear
  • Skill Points: Has one point each in Investigation, Repair, Research, Medicine, Psychology, Tracking, Bureaucracy, Misdirection and Negotiation

Also, since K's character is now 2nd level, he selects Zakalwe as the formerly nameless Fighter's moniker!

[As DM] I say, "That's pretty cool!  Maybe Zakalwe or his family are originally from the Roman Empire's north African provinces."

After saving the village of Orlane, and returning to Vĩnh Long, the PCs are visited by Messr Nguyễn (阮), the Public Sanitation worker that they saved in Session I.  His daughter has fallen in with a group of misguided teenagers, the Chex Mix Gang:

Attempting to become serious criminals, the gang was caught trying to rob Papa Midnite, a visiting dignitary from the Aksum Empire:

After the death of Bargle, I went back to Old Reliable: Papa Midnite, named after the character from Hellblazer but otherwise wholly different, is the PCs' most hated opponent from our last campaign.

[OOC] K says, "That guy was totally evil!"

[OOC] I laugh and say, "I thought it was more that he was a competitor of the PCs who kept putting one over on the party."

chuckles and tells S how Papa Midnite forced the party to flee their home continent in our last campaign. 

In this campaign, since Fantasy Vietnam is trying to convince the Aksumites to become trading partners and Papa Midnite will be influential in that decision, the prosecutor is throwing the book at Mlle Nguyễn and her friends, and will send them to Horrific Death Prison, unless the PCs intervene.

After a few moments of indecision by the PCs about how to proceed, I suggest, "Maybe you should start by talking with Papa Midnite?"

[OOC] K says, "Well, he can't be an asshat in all realities, right?"

The PCs meet with Papa Midnite and ask if there's something that they can do to get him to drop the charges against Mlle Nguyễn.  Midnite says that Gouverneur Đào (陶) is looking for someone to do "some sensitive work of a highly confidential nature."  If the PCs can do this job for him, Đào will pass on the favor to Papa Midnite.

Meeting with the Gouverneur  Đào tells the PCs that he's looking for someone to discretely murder a high-ranking cleric, the Reverend Mother Guinan:

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