Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Session IV, Part V

To address S's confusion, K explains that the party met Ranme the Half-Insane Wizard during an earlier mission to save the village of Orlane (during the Olde School module N1 Against the Cult of the Reptile God).

Ranme powers down his spell when he sees Mary, the party's 9-year old translator, who turns out to be a friend of the Half-Insane Wizard.  When he gives Mary a gift, the PCs fearfully ask about this "gift", but it's merely a doll with a minor enchantment allowing it to say simple phrases:

In terms of B2, Ranme is the reskinned version of the hermit.  Since the original NPC is pretty unremarkable (except for his cool big cat) and not really connected to the rest of the module, this is a perfect opportunity to revisit an unreliable ally who's proven to drive the PCs crazy.

The party then asks Ranme about his contact with the Lizardfolk, and the nearly mad magic-user says matter-of-factly that he buys spell components, rare herbs and other "exotic items" from the reptiles.    Since the PCs are trying to work out a deal between the Cham and the Lizardfolk, I point out that they need someone who speaks Lizardfolk.

Ranme scoffs when the PCs ask for his help to defuse a conflict between his scaly friends and the Cham, saying that the Lizardfolk can easily handle the Cham.  However, the wizard changes his mind after Zakalwe points out this is a great opportunity to show everyone how much he's Winning.

After a bit of diplomacy, the party arranges a peace conference between the Lizardfolk and the Cham:

Things seem to be going well, with the Cham agreeing to pay rent to the Lizardfolk for the areas near the swamp, when the nameless Magic-User makes a Spot Check, noticing a hooded figure who's listening in on the discussion.  Before the PCs can do anything, the figure disappears into the underbrush.

[As the nameless Magic-User] S says, "I use Tracking to follow the hooded figure."

[As DM, checking her character sheet] I say, "A mage ranger?  That's pretty cool."

The party follows the figure's trail to a clearing, where they see him mounted on a horse and riding away.  The wind blows off the hood, revealing that the spy is a Vietnamese soldier.

Since the spy is out of range of Zakalwe's throwing daggers, the PCs are at a loss how to stop the legionary from escaping.  I remind K that Zakalwe has a Wand of Lightning Bolts.

[OOC] K says, "Oh yeah!"

The Vietnamese spy is slain!

In the original D&D rules, the magic items that Fighters can use are restricted.  However, many of these magic items restrictions are as arbitrary as the weapon and armor restrictions (i.e., they are gamist restrictions without logical merit meant to impose by brute force a rough "balance" among the classes), so I've removed them for my homebrew D&D rules.

As the Lizardfolk leave their meeting, they smell roasted human flesh and head over to the blasted remains of the spy.  The PCs are aghast and speechless as the Lizardfolk thank the party for thoughtfully providing barbecue and sit down to gorge themselves:

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