Sunday, January 11, 2015

Session VI, Part IV

For convenience, here is the map of the third level of the gold mine again:

As the party rallies in the Ore Processing Facility (Room #15), the PCs can hear the Chryssalids hard at work, doing something.  Quick scouting reveals that they've hastily erected a barricade made of equipment and furniture to block the hallway to the south and that the door to the north is similarly impassable.

Moments later, the PCs hear scuttling from the barricade to the south and then they see a scarab beetle creep into view.

The beetle seems to be spying on the party, pausing to look them over, so the PCs chase it away with torches.

[OOC] S asks, "Can we collect some of the industrial acid?"

[As DM] I say, "Yes, there are some vials you can use."

The PCs continue to hear the Chryssalids hard at work.  After a few moments, the party decides to head east toward Room #16.  Subotai takes point.  When they reach the end of the hallway, the Mongolian thief checks for traps and disarms the door.  As the party enters the room, they are greeted with an unearthly gleam:

The party has found the gold mine's store room!

Immediately, the legionnaires start stuffing their pockets with gold nuggets!

[As the Nameless Magic-User] S says, "Hey, put the gold down!  You'll become encumbered!"

Reluctantly, the legionnaires put the loot back.

The party uses the Wand of Passwall to sneak into Room #18, catching the Chryssalids completely off guard!  The insectoids are in the middle of rallying their forces and the PCs see a Chryssalid wizard speaking with the scarab beetle spy.

In the surprise round, Zakalwe pulls the pin to a Holy Hand Grenade and the Nameless Magic-User hurls a jar of Greek Fire! The western half of the room is bathed in divine golden light while the eastern half of the room is bathed in manmade flames.

Chryssalid Wizard #1 is slain!

Chryssalids #7 - 10 are slain!

Hell goats #6 - 8 are slain!

The Scarab Beetle spy is slain!

Zombies #21 - 35 are slain!

The enemy survivors rush out the door to the north.

[OOC, expectantly] S says to K, "You know what's useful in long, narrow corridors?"

[OOC] K says, "Oh, yeah."

Zakalwe blasts the fleeing enemies with his Wand of Lightning Bolts!

Chryssalid Wizard #2 is slain!

Chryssalids #11 & 12 are slain!

Hell goats #9 - 11 are slain!

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