Monday, January 26, 2015

Session VII, Part I

For saving the world from the Chryssalids, I credit the PCs with experience for two major achievements:

stopping the Chryssalids from opening a Demon Gate, and

rescuing the surviving miners.

This brings the Nameless Magic-User up to 2nd level, making her nameless no longer!  S decides that the intrepid wizard will go by the appellation Nausicaä.

[As DM] I say, "That's the protagonist of my favorite Miyazaki film!  She's named after Princess Nausicaä from Homer's The Odyssey."

[OOC] S says, "I'll take it!"

OTOH, Zakalwe is still 2nd level, so you know that I've dumped the olde school Dungeons & Dragons GP = XP rule.

Also, aside from the ridiculous amount of gold that the PCs stole, they find the spells Dancing Lights, Audible Glamour, Web and Fireball and the Gauntlet of Bronn:

Something that irks me slightly about "by the book" Dungeons & Dragons are the generic magic items.  Why are there so many fungible swords +1?  Is there a magic sword factory or something?

IMHO, unless they are use-based (e.g., potions, wands, etc.), magic items should be individually interesting.  I also think that magic items should be rare.

[As DM] I say, "Did you end up assigning Zakalwe's new proficiency from 2nd level?  If not, the Gauntlet of Bronn lobbies for Medium Swords."

[OOC] K says, "I have not, and that seems like as sound advice as you could hope for from clothing."

[As the Gauntlet of Bronn] I say, "The Gauntlet is pleased!"

Also, speaking of the PCs' epic mine jacking, I mention that, after some thought, the PCs need to be careful about handling the stolen gold, lest Messr Dimon and the other mine owners assassinate them.

[As DM] I say, "My suggestion is for the Earth Elemental to phase through the ground underground and leave the gold under some unimproved land away from the mine.  After you leave the mine, buy the unimproved land and then let the Church build an orphanage/school above the gold, whilst retaining title to the property.   That way, the mine owners won't be able to get close to, much less find, the gold because there will always be little kids running around."

[OOC] K says, "Sounds good to me."

[OOC] S says, "Yup."

In their quest to keep their ill gotten loot, the PCs are helped by the immense goodwill generated by saving the world.  When Messr Dimon requests that Colonel Thứ năm investigate the missing gold, the Colonel files the request in the trash can.  The PCs are also constantly offered free drinks and the like, which they try not to abuse...

During yet another consecutive night of carousing, the PCs notice an imposing noblewoman enter the bar, accompanied by a team of experienced adventurers:

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