Monday, March 30, 2015

Session IX, Part II

At police headquarters, the PCs meet the top detective, the Spymaster:

The Spymaster explains that someone dressed in a cape and cowl caved in the District Attorney's skull with his fists, so their top suspect is the Caped Crusader.  The detective adds that, as part of Gouverneur Trần's stealth repression of the Cham, the DA falsified evidence to wrongfully convict thousands of Cham.  The Spymaster believes the motive is partly revenge and partly because the District Attorney opened an investigation to find the Caped Crusader's true identity.

The Spymaster asks what the PCs know about the Caped Crusader.  When they are vague, the Spymaster becomes angry.  Also assigned to the investigation is Lieutenant Trần, who points out that the District Attorney's murder doesn't fit the Caped Crusader's modus operandi, since it occurred during daylight and in front of witnesses.  The party asks if it's possible that someone is trying to frame the Caped Crusader.  At this point, the Spymaster starts ranting and storms out.

The Lieutenant says that a few years ago, the Spymaster tried to arrest the Caped Crusader but was easily beaten to a pulp.  Ever since, the Spymaster has become obsessed with getting even.  Underneath the mask, he looks like this:

[OOC] S says, "Gee, can't they use some healing magic?"

[As DM] I say, "No, he's on full points.  Everything is fully functional."

[OOC] K says, "How about some Iron Age cosmetic surgery?"

As they are leaving police headquarters, the PCs spot Father Wolfwood, who says he was supposed to meet the District Attorney regarding the disappearance of six 16 year old girls.  This, of course, immediately grabs their interest and when the party inquires further, the Inquisitor says that, when Brock Samson flipped out and massacred fifty people in an orphanage, fifty-six people should have been there.  This leaves six bodies unaccounted for, all of them 16 year old girls.

[As Nausicaä] S says, "Well, Brock Samson is a powerful guy.  Is it possible that you, you know... miscounted?"

[As Father Wolfwood] I say, "Hmm… one or two bodies, maybe, but six is unlikely."

The PCs ask Father Wolfwood what he thinks the possible disappearance of six 16 year old girls means, but he's at a loss.  As they are heading back to their hotel room, they think they see the wiry guy again, but he's gone in a flash.

When they return to their hotel room, the party finds a note from the Marquis de Picard  saying to meet at the hotel bar in the evening.  In the meantime, to get some more backup, the PCs pick up Subotai from the spa.

After Picard fails to show up for the appointment, they head to the Marquis' hotel room.  After nobody answers the door, the PCs enter and find signs of a struggle.  Seems like Picard was kidnapped by someone or something that entered and left from the window.  Investigating further, they find references that Picard had hired someone to investigate "The Fire of Asshurbanipal".

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