Saturday, December 20, 2014

Session VI, Part I

For convenience, here is the map of the second level of the gold mine again:

Before the session starts, I do some calculation and decide the PCs need some more help to succeed in their mission, so I tell the PCs that they retroactively also found a Scroll of Earth Elemental Summoning in the General Manager's office.

[OOC] K says to S, "It's never a good sign when the DM suddenly gives out extra magic items."

The PCs raise a simple cairn of stones for Vasquez and observe a moment of silence.  Afterwards, two legionnaires take point, with Zakalwe close behind to support, as the party continues north and then heads west to Room 3 (Office Supplies).

In Room 3, the PCs find dozens more empty Chryssalid eggs and dead webbed up miners but still no survivors.  After they burn out the room, the party heads to Room 4 (the Panic Room):

The place is now empty but it shows signs of previous occupation.  The blood smears and signs of struggle outside the entrance suggest that the occupants probably waited until they thought the coast was clear and then tried a dash for safety.

[OOC] K says, "Who would be dumb enough to do that?"

[As DM] I say, "There's a sign that says 'EXECUTIVE USE ONLY'."

The party turns south and moves toward Room 5a (Engineering).  Forgetting to search for traps, the two lead legionnaires and Zakalwe all fail their Spot Checks and are drenched by the big bucket of industrial acid propped above the door to Engineering when it falls on them!  Shrieking in agony, the trio writhe on the floor, as the rest of the party stares helplessly.

Legionnaires #1 & 2 are slain!

Zakalwe is reduced to 1 hit point, just hanging on to life by his fingernails (my campaigns use the Death at zero hit points rule (i.e., there's no safety blanket bleed out rule)).  After drinking a healing potion, Zakalwe sits down to rest, while the Nameless Magic-User finds two more legionnaires to take point and leads the party into Engineering.

The room is ransacked but quiet.  As the new lead legionnaire approaches Room 5b (Chief Engineer's Office), he fails to notice that the door is really shiny and a giant grey ooze leaps onto him!  The legionnaire screams as the ooze burns through his skin and armor.  Again, the rest of the party stares helplessly.

Legionnaire #3 is slain!

[OOC] S asks, "Are these guys dressed in redshirts?"

[As DM] I say, "Well, they're equipped like Roman legionnaires."

[OOC] S says, "You know what color those guys wore a lot of?  Red!"

As the party rushes forward with torches, the ooze slithers south under the door to Room 6a (Medical).  The PCs halt pursuit and decide to clear Engineering first.

In Room 5c (Engineering Records), the PCs find their first survivors.  There are cheers, as Sister Aleena tends to their wounds and the Nameless Magic-User makes sure they are not impregnated by Chryssalids.  Spirits buoyed, the party decides to move south.  

The new lead legionnaire steps through the door into Medical…and plunges into the shaft that the Chryssalids have dug down to the third level of the gold mine, falling 70 feet into the ore processing facility and splashing down in the prepositioned vat of industrial acid underneath the pit.

Legionnaire #4 is slain!

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