Monday, March 2, 2015

Session VIII, Part II

To find out about revenants, the PCs meet up with Father Nicholas D. Wolfwood.  They find the church filled with parishioners praying that a full scale war with the Khmer doesn't break out.  Father Wolfwood says that revenants are spirits of vengeance, basically super powered ghosts who can possess humans.

This, of course, different than by the book Dungeons & Dragons, wherein a Revenant is a generic monster.  I wanted something closer to the actual legends.

The PCs ask if he knows anything about revenant that was stalking the Baroness.  Looking at Lieutenant Trần, the cleric pulls the rest of the party to the side and whispers that there were rumors that the Lieutenant's sister sought intimate relations with a happily married man.  When the man refused, the Baroness kidnapped the man's family and threatened to kill his family if he continued to refuse.

However, after she had her way with the man, Baroness Trần forgot about his family, who died.  In his grief, the poor fellow killed himself, becoming a revenant.

[OOC] S says, "That's understandable."

Nausicaä asks if there's anyway to get rid of a revenant.  Father Wolfwood says reducing a revenant to zero hp will only cause it to disappear for 1d6 hours, so the easiest way to deal with the angry spirit is to address the source of the anger.  Nausicaä says that that's probably not going to happen, so the Inquisitor adds that the right spell can banish a revenant for 1d6 years.  The only person in town who knows this powerful ritual spell is a strange wandering hermit named the Grey Wanderer who is currently staying at the Grand Hotel.

Lorenzo asks if they can get any other help.  Father Wolfwood says that sometimes direct divine assistance is available, such as when the party received a Greater Sacrament before battling the Chryssalids.  Additionally, other people can aid a plea for assistance, so the intrepid thief arranges a wildly successful party among the parishioners, who agree to help.  After Aleena and the parishioners complete their prayers, the Sword of Glory appears on the altar:

When wielded of one of true faith, the Sword of Glory is a +3 Broadsword that does triple damage against undead.  Sister Aleena puts aside her mace and sheathes the divine blade.

[OOC] D says, "That's pretty cool."

The party heads over to the Grand Hotel, where the concierge says that the Grey Wanderer is staying in the Imperial Suite on the top floor.  Apparently, the hermit is in the middle of some arcane experiment which has caused the other guests on the floor to flee in terror.

Lorenzo tries to sneak in, but fails his Spot Check, then fails his Save versus Magic.  Everything goes dark.

After waiting for a while, Nausicaä takes a look.  As she enters the Imperial Suite, the sorceress deftly sidesteps a descending magic net, which contains a motionless Lorenzo, and feels a lightning bolt coming on.

[OOC] S says, "Wait a minute, I know who this is!"

[As Nausicaä] S says to Ranme the Half-Insane Wizard, "Listen, we don't work for the Cat Dude."

[As Ranme] I shriek, "Don't lie to me!?!  [motioning toward Lorenzo]  I captured your pet koala!!  It's a well known fact that cats and koalas are allies!?!"

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