Saturday, December 13, 2014

Session V, Part IV

For convenience, here is the map of the second level of the gold mine again:

The party heads back south to Room 1b (the ledge to the east and 20 feet higher than Room 1a), and Zakalwe  slowly peers around the corner again but the Operations Center of the mine is still dark, empty and eerily quiet.  Using rope, he rappels down to Room 1a to scout further.  The coast is clear and the rest of the party joins him.

The Nameless Magic-User surreptitiously looks through the records and makes sure that Vasquez's story checks out.  This adventure basically being an "Aliens" movie, while they search Operations, the party finds signs of a big "last stand" type struggle here.  They also find lots of evidence of corporate malfeasance:

After loading up with more oil, the party decides to leave Operations by the north corridor toward Room 3.  Vasquez and Zakalwe take point again, moving forward cautiously into the darkness.

Suddenly, zombies burst forth from the loosely packed wall to the fighters' right!  As debris fills up the tunnel behind them, Vasquez and Zakalwe are cut off from the rest of the party and surrounded.

The zombies start scoring hits on the fighters, who steadily put down undead in return.  Although they only do 1d4 damage per attack, the swarming walkers whittle away hit points from Vasquez and Zakalwe through several rounds.  Meanwhile, while the rest of the party frantically clears the rumble to reach the fighters.

Zombies #1-5 are slain!

As the rest of the party clears the debris and moves toward, the zombies turn towards them.  Meanwhile, three Hell Goats gallop toward Vasquez and Zakalwe.

Zakalwe throws a dagger and misses.

The Hell Goats concentrate their eye beams on Vasquez, who seems like the bigger threat.  Weakened by the earlier melee with the zombies, the elite mercenary crumples to the ground.

Vasquez is slain!

As the Iberian warrior goes down, S says, "NOOOOOO!!!!!"

As Zakalwe prepares another throwing dagger, I remind K about his PC's Wand of Lightning Bolts.

[OOC] K says, "Oh yeah."

Hell Goats #1 & 2 are slain!

Then I remember that, depending on the angle, when lightning bolts hit a wall, they can bounce back toward the source.  

Hell Goat #3 is slain!

[OOC] S says, "Vasquez is dead!   Why didn't you use your wand a round earlier?"

[OOC] K says, "Um, sorry.  I forgot I was carrying it again."

The party finishes off the rest of the zombies.

Zombies #6-12 are slain!

After Vasquez's death, Zakalwe loses his bravado.

[As Zakalwe] K says to the veteran legionnaires, "I need some volunteers to take point."

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