Saturday, December 27, 2014

Session VI, Part II

In Medical (Room 6a), the PCs see a strange figure, who's apparently the médecin of the gold mine:

In addition to the scary médecin, inside Medical are also two Hell Goats in mine carts (giving 90% cover) in optimal firing positions, eight zombies performing live vivisections at the direction of the médecin, and eight test subjects.

The médecin looks at the party, who are aghast, and says "You don't understand... We mean you no harm.  We seek peaceful coexistence!"

[As DM] I say, "You suspect the médecin is impregnated by Chryssalid embryo."

[OOC] K says, "Wait, so a Chryssalid embryo can access the memories of the host?"

[As DM] I say, "Yup."

[OOC] K says, "That's…not good."

The PCs are at a loss, so I remind them how to get rid of Chryssalid embryos, which they decide is a good plan.

Zakalwe rolls a crit success on his Charisma check!  Thus, Zakalwe regales the Chryssalid embryo and the Hell Goats with the tale of a mighty artifact: the Head of Vecna!

Meanwhile, the Nameless Magic-User and Aleena hide behind the wall next to Zakalwe, the former pulling out a Holy Hand Grenade and the latter preparing to cast Bless on the humans in Medical (to negate the effect of the Holy Hand Grenade).

[As DM] I say, "Remember, you have to get the timing right.  Bless takes 1 round to cast, whereas a Holy Hand Grenade goes off in 3 segments.  Three shall be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be three."

[OOC] S says, "Four shalt thou not count, neither count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three."

[OOC] K says, "Five is right out."

In my game, a Holy Hand Grenade creates a sphere of divine energy, which is a magical effect akin to Silence, 15' Radius, rather than like a Fireball (a physical effect).  Thus, the energy passes through the wall into Medical.

The Chryssalid embryo is slain!

Hell goats #4 & 5 are slain!

Zombies #13-20 are slain!

The 30' radius also extends along the z-axis, into the shaft that Legionnaire #4 fell down, where the grey ooze that killed Legionnaire #3 is hiding, waiting for another chance to ambush the party.

The grey ooze is slain!

The party shoves the Chief Engineer's desk into the mouth of the shaft down to Level 3 and clamber over into Medical.

Médecin Remmick is tending to the test subjects and asks for his healing potions.

[As ZakalweK says, "Sorry, those are all gone."

[As Médecin Remmick, confusedI say, "But what about the healing potions in my office?"

[As ZakalweK says, "Nope, all gone.  They, uh, must have been stolen by the Chryssalids."

Meanwhile, the Nameless Magic-User sneaks into the médecin's office and steals the healing potions.  Sister Aleena folds her arms and looks crossly at the PCs, but says nothing.

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