Monday, May 11, 2015

Session XI, Part II

Afterward, the party meets with the Marquise de Courcy, who tells them that she has been contacted by someone who knows where the Marquis de Picard is being held.

[OOC] M asks, "So, why exactly is this our problem?"

[As DM] I say, "Well, the Marquis de Picard is the head of the Adventurers' Guild and has been generally helpful to the party."

To sweeten the deal, the Marquise de Courcy gives the party a Wand of Invisibility, 15' Radius (3 charges).

The Marquise then tells the PCs that they should contact Papa Midnite to find out more about Picard.  Immediately, K and S groan.

[OOC] K says to M, "Papa Midnite is a druid and a running theme in our campaigns is that all druids are dicks."

[As DM] I say, "Well, you know, you guys did screw up his business deal by blatantly lying to him and Gouverneur Đào."

[OOC] M asks, "Wait, Papa Midnite is a druid?"

[As DM] I say, "Yes, PCs are limited to the core four classes, but NPCs can be anything."

When the PCs meet with Papa Midnite and his business partner, Black Dynamite, Papa Midnite is smiling way too much.  Quickly, the party finds out why: in exchange for the information, Papa Midnite wants Zakalwe and Nausicaä to bark like a dog.

Zakalwe fails his Willpower roll but succeeds on a Charisma roll and convinces Papa Midnite that it is in his best interest that the Marquis de Picard is rescued.

The PCs find out that, after the Veiled Society got what they wanted, they sold Picard to a local crime syndicate that runs a gambling den out of a nondescript house in the outskirts of the city:

After some debate, the party decides to use stealth.  To get in, the PCs disguise themselves as servants.

[As DM] I say, "That picture is just for general reference, as slavery was abolished in Fantasy Vietnam due to lobbying from the Church."

Zakalwe tucks his dagger into his tunic, Nausicaä disguises her spear as a broom, and the Second Nameless Magic-User hides his bow under his cloak.  After the PCs convince the porter that they are the new maintenance staff, he takes them on a tour of the gambling den.  In the basement, the porter says they are not to approach the rooms in the southern half of this floor and leaves them in the servants'  hall to get ready for their shift.  

After the porter leaves, the PCs ignore the porter's warning and head out of the servants'  hall and take a left.  Trying to listen in on the first door, the party instead alerts the occupants, who enter the hallway with swords drawn!

The first round of combat is inconclusive, and two more gangsters come out of the next room!

In the next round, Zakalwe and Nausicaä miss their opponents, but the Second Nameless Magic-User rolls a Critical Success and drills a gangster with his bow!

Gangster #1 is slain!

[As Nausicaä] S says to Zakalwe, "Hey, get your butt in gear!  You're being shown up by a Nameless Magic-User!"

[As DM] I say, "You know, Zakalwe could pick up Gangster #1's medium sword."

After the fighter does so, he has more luck and cuts down another gangster!

Gangster #2 is slain!

The remaining gangsters throw down their weapons and surrender.  Quickly, the party finds Picard:

[OOC] M says, "There are *FOUR* lights!"

[As DM] I say, "Yep."

The PCs tell their prisoners to flee and tell the other gangsters that there are intruders.  Using the Wand of Invisibility, 15' Radius, the party escapes without much difficulty during the commotion.

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