Saturday, January 3, 2015

Session VI, Part III

Among the survivors in Medical, the PCs find this wiry fellow:

He jumps to his feet and proclaims, "I am Subotai! Thief and archer! I am Mongolian... the great order of Kerlait!"

Subotai is, of course, Conan the Barbarian's totally awesome partner in crime from the eponymous film of 1982.

[As DM] I say, "The character is played by the legendary surfer Gerry Lopez, who's obviously not Asian.  Messr Lopez did a fantastic job, but that has always irked me a bit."

[OOC] K says, "Well, that's really not that bad for an 80's casting decision."

Obviously, Jenette Goldstein as Vasquez is even more problematic since they substantially darkened her natural complexion.  Anyways...

For Subotai, I square the circle thusly: Though born an Iberian Roman, he grew up on the steppes of Mongolia and adopted the local ways and customs, joining the powerful Kerlait tribe as a blood brother and changing his name.  Later on, he became an adventurer, travelled to Fantasy Vietnam and joined Vasquez's team.

[As SubotaiI say, "Speaking of which, Vasquez and I were the last ones left after our team was wiped out by the bugs.  We were fleeing for the entrance when I was grabbed by a Chryssalid.  Did she make it out?"

[As ZakalweK says, "Um, no, sorry."

Subotai shakes his fist at the ceiling.  Seeking payback, he asks to join the party and the PCs accept.

The PCs also find a ritual dagger, which the Chryssalid embryo was using to perform unnecessary surgery:

[As DM] I say, "The dagger is a powerful magic weapon.  However, like Warduke's demon-possessed sword, the dagger immediately starts psychically urging you to engage in sociopathic behavior."

[As the Nameless Magic-User, without hesitationS says, "We drop it in the vat of industrial acid at the bottom of the shaft."

[As DM] I say, "As regards the shaft, Subotai mentions that it leads down to the Ore Processing Facility (Room #15) on the third level of the gold mine.  Obviously, there are a bunch of Chryssalids in there, but if you could clear the room, you'd save a lot of time reaching the Chryssalid mages that are trying to open a Demon Gate."

This, of course, would 
also bypass the other horrific things I have planned on the second level of the gold mine, but I'm cool with that.  There will be other opportunities to reuse such later in this campaign or in a future campaign. *Evil DM cackle*

The PCs think heading directly down to the Ore Processing Facility is a good idea.  First, they shepherd the survivors from Medical and Engineering to the Panic Room.

[As ZakalweK says, "Remember, only open the door if it's us."

The new lead legionnaire rappels down the shaft from Medical to the Ore Processing Facility.  Just after he drops into the new room, suddenly the shaft fills with magic smoke and the rappelling rope jerks violently.  When the smoke clears, the rope slowly swings ominously from side to side sans the legionnaire.

Legionnaire #5 is slain!

[OOC] K says, "We drop a Holy Hand Grenade down the shaft."

[As DM] I say, "The shaft is actively monitored by Chryssalids and is above a vat of industrial acid.  How do you handle the timing and distance issues?"

[OOC] K says, "Well, we know the shaft's distance to the Ore Processing Facility, so we'll tie a bunch of knots around the Holy Hand Grenade to secure it and make it difficult for the Chryssalids to figure out what's going on, pull the pin, and drop it just short of entering Ore Processing Facility."

Chryssalids #1-6 are slain!

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