Thursday, October 9, 2014

Session III, Part III

After an awkward silence, the wiry guy introduces himself as Rain.  The nameless Fighter mentions that Rain was watching him, which the latter denies.  After a couple more minutes of questioning, during which Rain is nervous and evasive, the two part ways.  The nameless Fighter does notice, however, that Rain is speaking Việt with a Korean accent.

Now, given a date of 350 AD, they would probably actually be speaking Proto Việt Mường, but I call it Việt for convenience.

When the party gets back to the Inn of the Slumbering Serpent, Monsieur Burns is waiting for them with an unpleasant smile:

Burns says menacingly that things could suddenly take a turn for the worse for the PCs if they remain in Orlane and that he'd be willing to... contribute to the party's travel expenses (to the tune of twice what they are being paid by L'Eau Noire) if the PCs leave town tonight.

Thinking it over, the PCs agree, deciding to go after the Mask before the cultists have a chance to realize that they are being double-crossed.  As the sun sets, the party selects a route out of Orlane taking them past the asshat farmer's house, with the same Gendarme Adjoints from the day before still following them.

The nameless Thief casts Sleep, and one of the Gendarme Adjoints (the one who stepped out of the General Store) passes out:

The nameless Fighter grabs the other Gendarme Adjoint and chokes him out, but before the other Gendarme Adjoint goes unconscious, he mutters, "You damn cultists…"

Realizing that they have taken out a potential ally, the PCs tie up and gag the Gendarme Adjoint who stepped out of the General Store and leave a note on the other one saying, "Your partner is a cultist."

Quickly, the party ambushes and kidnaps the asshat farmer.  However, the latter seems strangely unperturbed.

When the PCs reach the hermit's hut, they barely avoid being zapped by a lightning bolt as Ranme  runs out and screams, "You won't get me this time, Cat Dude!"

The party manages to calm down the half-insane wizard by reminding Ranme about how much he's Winning.  The hermit nods sagely and says, "I'm so tired of pretending my life isn't perfect and bitching and just winning every second."

Looking at the asshat farmer, Ranme quickly notes, "Yup, this is the work of a Mask of Nyarlathotep."

As the party interrogates the asshat farmer, the latter abruptly laughs maniacally and screams at a figure that the PCs suddenly notice standing at the door to the hut, "Kill them all!"

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