Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Session IX, Part IV

The party finds themselves in a dimly lit cell tied back to back.  Subotai mentions wistfully that he could be getting another foot massage right now.  Suddenly, a sinister voice chortles, "We will show you a pain you never knew existed!  BWAHAHAHA!!!" as a scary looking man enters the cell:

The interrogator says, "Let's do this the easy way for me!  BWAHAHAHA!!!"  Then, after the Veiled Society cultist tortures everyone down to 1 hp, he gloats, "Now, we'll give you some time to think carefully about how you answer our questions.  BWAHAHAHA!!!"

Silence fills the room, until one of the Veiled Society magic-users starts screaming in rage down the hall after reading Nausicaä's cursed spell book.  The party laughs.

More silence.

The party hears footsteps approach.

Then, the wiry guy in the velvet suit enters their cell.

[As Zakalwe] K asks, "Haven't we met before?"

[As the wiry guy] I say, "Yes, I'm Rain.  I helped you save the village of Orlane from the Mask of Nyarlathotep."

[As Zakalwe] K asks, "Oh yeah."

The ninja frees the party and, as he leads them out of the cultists' underground hideout, he tells them that the Marquis de Picard hired him to investigate the Fire of Asshurbanipal.  Rain saw the Veiled Society kidnap the Marquis but was unable to stop them.  Then, the ninja tried several times to contact the PCs but kept getting intercepted by the cultists.

[OOC] K says, "Now, how do we get our stuff back?"

[As DM] I say, "Are you sure you want to do that?  There's a bunch of well-armed cultists and everyone is down to 1 hp, except for Rain."

[OOC] S says, "Are you kidding?!?  We're definitely going back for our stuff!?!"

Never get between the PCs and their loot.

After they are healed and re-equiped by Father Wolfwood, the PCs return to the cultists' hideout to steal back their gear.  For the map, I use another great one from Dyson Logos:

Rain leads the party to the storeroom contains the party's loot.  When Zakalwe tries to force the door open, he finds that someone on the other side is resisting.

[OOC] S asks, "Is there a gap between the door and the floor?"

[As DM] I say, "There's only a small half cm gap."

[OOC] S says, "That's all I need to see the target!"

Nausicaä casts Magic Missile, which darts from her fingertip and streaks underneath the door.

Cultist #1 is slain!

Quickly, the party runs inside, grabs their stuff and exits.  Then they decide to get some payback, barricading doors from the outside and setting them on fire!

However, the cultists cast a spell and a Dark Young bursts out of the ground:

Immediately, the party turns around and flees!  The gigantic eldritch horror stomps its way through the streets of Buôn Ma Thuột in pursuit.

Both Nausicaä and Zakalwe fail their Constitution rolls and the Dark Young catches up with them!

After two rounds, Nausicaä and Zakalwe are both down to 2 hp and poisoned but then Father Wolfwood arrives to turn the abomination!

[OOC] S says, "Ha!  I didn't expect to survive this session!"

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